
if questions come up write them on a piece of paper and we see whether they got answered during the presentation.

(The ASU approved Onkel Lawrence Krauss Methode)

????What we want to achieve here is to understand a certain unstabil stability of creativity!!!
how it is essential both to accept, welcome but also to understand to be able to guarantee a minimum of structure to not loose all ground to operate on or under.

CRISIS since 1992: the German machine industry had another major dip what led to the bankruptcy of the firm my father was working as a salesman for. They had ordered too many Japanese machine-producing machines they suddenly couldn’t sell anymore. I am in my fifth semester of university got a study grant due to my father unemployment. Suddenly I had 200 more DM on my account per month. Besides that I have a little illustration I made after a German saying still hanging in my boys room at my parents place. Next to a lousy painted squirrel it says: Mühsam ernährt sich das Eichhörnchen. (The squirrel has a hard time feeding itself) It has shown some corns of truth, I have to admit. But it doesn’t feel as bad as it sounds when you hear the younger Swedish artist Ingela Ihman telling a colleague after seeing me working for the Gwangju Biennale: Oh god, that’s how it goes!?! (AMFAP p.25)  (T.U.N. alpine)
WARM UP............................................................................................................................................FIRST

2)    next BK TOURS - get your BUM out of the KOUCH: click here

3)       Foundation VSR: (best before 8:00)Study  Center 1 - Your Way to the (Swedish) Hunting Exam - "if every vegan would know what a hunter needs to learn we all would be more careful with what we do to nature". Leif GW
Even if this might provocative to you thinking this kind of thoughts (= thinking other peoples thoughts) keeps your frontal cortex alive. The frontal cortex is where the difficult stuff happens in your brain. Where you can show agency and not just react to things that your senses come across.

Leif GW library

4) (always)        DER RIECHER from 8:12 - 9:03


and remember: Write your own RIECHER before your neighbour does!

5) nevertheless:  (it is often enough when at least one person does think and then talks to people and convinces them to join: both thinking and doing)

             EIGEN WEG with Petter Dahlström-Persson at: A Shop Called Life
A life for a shop: Ash Kilmartin

6) since 28/2/19( deadline )                         
AMFAP:A manual for A practice

“A butcher comes to a university to get his dentist degree. The person behind the reception tells him: Okay that is possible, but you have to bring your own cow!”
The motivation to produce an artistic practice PhD is strongly rooted in my educational engagement with the Piet Zwart Institute/Fine Art I have been teaching as one of the core tutors since 2006. As the curriculum is centered around each students studio practice the monthly studio visits are the essential surface students and teaching staff meet. In this non-professorial scheme the conversation circle around the practice and the things are brought up, prepared and suggested. During the period of the 2 Year MA-programme the actuality of an aesthetic thinking and talking practice is here at stake. Over the years I have approached, understood and formulated together and around diverse practices thoughts, terms and somehow a practical theoretical aesthetic theory. Being responsible in the course for a more material based approach I strictly focus on analyses that starts with a formal approach towards work and idea. Structuring the conversation through the actualities and not the discourses forces clear definition. Differentiating between form, content and discourse makes the student understand what elements are being put on to a platform that can be generally understood as a communicative one. Even if such communication fails, are not complete, fragmented or even disturbed. (....)

I want to understand A manual for A practice as both an educational and artistic approach to formulate concerns of an aesthetic thinking practice. I understand it as an educational one towards a possible audience and myself. Bringing together terms, questions and thoughts from my experience being part of a shared aesthetic endeavour will be the main focus.(...)
The curatorial aspect plays a very strong role.  Understood not as an outside request of interest but as an internal responsibility by the artist for his or her own practice. As the artistic landscape has dramatically changes since the first curatorial programmes have been installed. It seems to be essential to develop an artist based understanding and philosophy of curation. (...)

Hopefully it can become a handy tool understanding and learning about what the quintessential parameter are to develop and even have a practice. It should work for art education in institutions but also create the possibility continuing a practical aesthetic thinking beyond the institution. Do not expect a larger theory being developed between the selected terms. They are connected through what they are for a practice.

one central term I developed for AMFAP is CCC. It started as the Curatorial Career Complex, sometimes changed to Curatorial Critical Complex or was just a Curatorial Creative Complex. Just 10 days ago I had a major breakthrough  by understanding that the middle "C" must not stand for one but for many things. It even becomes hereby a grammatical list that you can choose from depending in which parameter you find yourself active.
WHAT ARE OTHER POSSIBLE "c"? Make a list, please!


ACADEMIA....... 56, 97
AESTHETICS....... 7, 55, 64, 74, 76, 79, 107, 111, 112, 118
AFFIRMATION....... 99, 103
ANARCHIE....... 130
ARCHITECTS....... 122
ARNOLD AMATEUR....... 49, 85
ART SCHOOL....... 68, 70
ASPIRATION....... 51
AUTONOMY....... 42, 48, 60
BEHAVIOR....... 133
BELIEVE....... 53, 54, 85
BODY....... 108
BOOGER HEAD....... 115

Let's stop here: BOOGER HEAD let it read me to you:

Just imagine you hear for the first time the word BOOGER HEAD. Someone called you once fart face, what is probably much harder to paint. But BOOGER HEAD seems okay and still an interesting challenge. So normally you start with one, two three boogers. At some point they might create an ear, a nose and a face. At the end of the day you will get to something that can be probably agreed on being a booger head if you put some hairs on the top. Maybe even without writing it underneath. The other alternative is to just Google it and see what the realm is. Okay, I try to paint a now portrait of Chantal Mouffe to clear my palate.

EARLY ART....... 23
ECONOMY....... 6, 39, 99
EDU-CIDE....... 69
ETHIC ELITE....... 79
ETHICS....... 74, 76, 79
EVERYDAY....... 5
EXERCISE....... 52, 121

because when I just had made 12 Portraits of 



Francis Fukuyama

 I got accused at home promoting somehow RIGHTWING LIBERAL IDEAS....but when I listened to the recent lecture giving at University in Amsterdam it sounded all pretty reasonable to me. So here is the best one - I think...and that was in 2019.
I just realise
that this was kind of a start for the next thing, but it took me awhile to then in March 2020 establish NOSE CAMPUS because as you can read under EDU-CIDE (page 68): 

PRETENDING EDUCATION is totally enough if you have manners of evaluation installed that beyond any reality are happy to join a theater play presented by the ones that need evaluation prescribed. It is when educational institutions not operate on a base of actual education. Where a teacher meets students to teach and tutor them by being with them in one room. But pretention allows so much more value, as it never has to stand up for an actual encounter. Educating individuals needs a zone of intimacy; care does need a relevant knowledge to be capable of a reactive understanding of what has been not understood. In a pretending institution the students just follow up on the expertise that they encounter and become just pretending pretenders. Their body, knowledge and their identity are summed up in the things they pretend to be interested in. It is an Anti-Humanitarian approach but the school is never accountable for, because it operates beyond the level of actuality. When institutions of education drop their expectations towards their students to keep the numbers of graduates up everything is fine for the evaluating engine. It does not even record any lack it just turns the logic around. Not improvement or critical observation but pure equalization on the lowest agreeable level is the result. The work power and the financial investments are huge but they agreed on by politics, bureaucrats and certain type of professionals who seek proof of their expertise in checking on others. It is what you can call THE EDU-CIDE, both the end of being educated and to educate!
Ecocide, or ecocatastrophe[1], is the extensive damage to, destruction of or loss of ecosystem(s) of a given territory, whether by human agency or by other, to such an extent that peaceful enjoyment by the inhabitants of that territory has been or will be severely diminished.

7)NOSE CAMPUS: nosecampus.blogspot.com

Robert Sapolsky: The Psychology of Stress

"Don't trust science unless it has fabulous hair!" the Dean


there is also a Campus Prison in the back  but with pretty smooth atmosphere:

PERFORMANCE....... 99, 100
PETER PROFI....... 85
POETRY without POETICS....... 98
POISSONVILLAGE....... 72, 73
POLICE....... 55, 69, 79, 123
POLITICAL....... 79, 81
POLITICS....... 54, 55
POST....... 131
PRIVAT....... 87
PROCESS....... 31
PUBLIC....... 19

AFTERNOONS: 13:37 - 15:20
visit to Piet Zwart Institute Garden
9) (pre-opa piet........)LET'S CALL it BENGT show book!

10 Hobby-HOPPSIES: www.atg.se (Örebro Lunch Trot started at  12:20)

11 - 19 :prospective FUTURA 2021 - 2023 POST DOCTORAL Fellowship: The Curatorial - a Psychological Condition

(SCROLL DOWN for questionaire)

FINISH OFF WITH KELLY's cooldown...............

FUTURE POST - HYPOTHESIS The Curatorial – a psychological condition (Post-Doctoral Fellowship)
this would help not only understand and solve some of my professional but also many of my private problems. This could be alternatively the COUNTER PART to AMFAP. To understand the CURATORIAL its industrial conditions and its capacity to move live and act in......


1) All your travel is paid by your employer?         Yes            No
2) The percentage of the jobs you occupy is more than 120%        No      Yes (How much:      )
3) Even outside your field you are an expert on many things?       No          Yes
       If yes please list which:
4) You are first and foremost an artist?     Yes      No      Part Time
5) Did you ever respond to an email without reading it first?       Yes      No    Mostly (=3 Yes)
6) You never read a book without an exhibition in mind?       Yes       No
7) Your colleagues are your friends and your friends are your networks?    Yes         No
8) The art works you own are all gifts?      Yes        No
9) Your flat is predominantly white?         Yes         No
No carpets on the floor?        Yes       No
Even at home you have a technician coming in for hanging work?     Yes       No
10) You naturally know when things are crocket?        No       Yes
11) Your PHD is not on hold it is in progress?   
                                   Yes        No      I actually gave up (subtract two yes)
12) Which one of these would you prefer not to?  
         Manifesta              documenta            Venice           (for each please subtract one yes) 
13 a) What do you tell your parents you do?

13 b) What do you think your parents tell your grandparents what you do?

- Up to 5 Yes: there is still hope
- Up to 10 Yes: this is the last chance to turn around!
- Above 10 Yes: Don’t you dare to CURATE me